Group 2010 Moving Forward

Fall of 2010

Group 2010 is working hard to bring together more businesses and activities for our downtown.

In the upcoming months we will bring in


Mardi Gras Pubcrawl


Advertising for our Downtown Businesses

Midnight Madness

Are you interested in participating in any of the events or organizing; email to Group 2010.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Policing Model for Durham Region; GOOD NEWS for Whitby

So the complaints for residents around Whitby has been the response time to their calls; sometimes there is no response.  The feedback from the police was the amount of police that we available each evening.

Effective in January the model of policing across the Region of Durham has changed.  There has been an extensive review of data and workload for officers and now a realignment will bring more officers into our community.  This is especially good for the downtown area as this is now its own area.

Chief Ewles made presentation to the Town Council and shared the new format and outlined how there will be more officers for our community to access.  This is GOOD NEWS. 

There will be continuous review of the format to make adjustments to the areas of allocation.

We look forward to continuous working relationships with the DRPS.